Poetry Corner


The world is hurting
and why do we
not see
the damage that
we are doing?
Life moves on
yet nothing
really changes;
we are stuck
in the same mindsets,
walking the same
dusty roads,
making the same
destructive mistakes;
when will
our eyes be opened?
When will we heal
the wounds
we are so quick
to inflict?
When will we learn
that kindness,
love, and
acceptance are
all we need?




Blog Challenge Day 13: Favourite Robin Hood Location

Day 13 of my 30-day blog challenge based on the BBC series, Robin Hood, and today’s subject is my favourite location.

Obviously, the answer is Sherwood Forest. It’s got to be, right?

Sherwood Forest is synonymous with Robin Hood, and a huge part of the legend. Everyone knows it is where Robin Hood and his (not so) Merry Men lived; this has always been the case, and it is virtually impossible to separate the two. And who would want to? What better place for ye olde outlaws to hide? Nobody knows every inch of a huge forest, unless, of course, they are forest dwellers.

Okay, so it isn’t the actual Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, as the programme was filmed in Budapest, Hungary. But it does a damn good job of masquerading as Sherwood Forest.

I’ve been obsessed with the Robin Hood legend since I was a child. I can’t remember what exactly ignited my love first – it could have been the Disney’s animated version or the TV series Robin of Sherwood, which I adored. Along with the fact that my brother is actually called Robin (no word of a lie), we thought we were outlaws for a while, back when we were kids. We even holidayed in the real Sherwood Forest for two years in a row, at Center Parks, and we always loved to explore any wooded areas and pretend we were Merry Men.

So, of course, I’m going to pick (un)Sherwood Forest as my favourite location. For one, forests and woods are amazing places, filled with adventure and beauty and the unknown; secret nooks and crannies and hidden places in the trees. As well as the ancient folklore and legends steeped in mystery and excitement.

Oh, and there is also a kickass, secret camp.

Blog Challenge Day 12: Favourite Robin Hood Side Character

Day 12 of my 30-day Robin Hood blog challenge, and it is the turn of my favourite side character.

Well, that’s easy, isn’t it? It’s the Night Watchman.

The BBC’s incarnation of Marian has got to be the best that I have seen, because she literally kicks ass as the Night Watchman. The actual preceder of Robin Hood, the Night Watchman is Marian’s secret rebellion against the Sheriff of Nottingham’s reign of terror. The masked crusader roams the countryside, generally at night (hence the name coined by the villagers), beating up the Sheriff’s men and delivering food and supplies to the poor.

The Night Watchman is a familiar figure in and around the villages that surround Nottingham, and is the bane of the Sheriff’s life. Thinking the character is up to no good, Robin captures him only to discover that he is actually a she – Marian.

The Night Watchman makes a number of appearances throughout series 1 and 2, and, along with her fantastic theme song, you always know it’s going to be fun as she takes down groups of the Sheriff’s guards at a time. However, I have often wondered exactly who taught a Lady to fight like that. Her dad? Doubtful..

It doesn’t always go well, though. In The Return of the King (series 1, episode 12), Marian is due to marry Guy of Gisborne, and decides on a last jaunt as the Night Watchman. Intent on stealing Guy’s ill-gotten wealth, she breaks into Locksley manor only to be stabbed by Guy, who is unaware of the Night Watchman’s true identity. Luckily, she lives, but in Treasure of the Nation (series 2, episode 11), she attempts to steal food for the villagers and is unmasked by Guy, who swears she will die as punishment for her treachery. However, after alerting the Sheriff to the Night Watchman’s capture and impending execution, he changes his mind and orchestrates the Night Watchman’s escape (Allan A Dale in disguise).

And that is the last we see of the Night Watchman. But it was great while it lasted!

Blog Challenge Day 11: Favourite Robin Hood Quote

It is day 11 of my 30-day Robin Hood blog challenge, and today, I will be choosing my favourite quote.

There are so many quotes that I love, such as Little John with his “Him I like” and “We go to Nottingham”, the Sheriff with his “A clue: no” and “La di dah di dah!”, and more or less everything that comes out of Much’s mouth. Oh, and of course, “We are Robin Hood!”

But my all-time favourite quote, one that we all looked forward to in the first two series, but which was sadly missing from series 3, is Allan A Dale’s “I’m not being funny but..”

Allan is such a fantastic character, with his cheeky Cockney charm and his hilarious facial expressions, and not forgetting that smile and those eyes. But, most of all, I love his quick-wittedness, and his devil-may-care attitude. “I’m not being funny but..” is the British way of saying “I’m about to say something weird or vaguely insulting, and I mean it”, and I love this type of thing.

In fact, I use this phrase quite often myself, because it is funny. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Examples of Allan’s awesomeness:

I’m not being funny or anything but isn’t getting arrested what we usually avoid?”

Im not being funny; your guards! Useless!”

“I’m not being funny, right, but she’s breathing!”

“I’m not being funny, though, shouldn’t we be moving on? They could be coming already.”

I’m not being funny but.. you brought him here for a picnic?”

I’m not being funny, mate, we’ve only just caught you.”


Blog Challenge Day 10: Favourite Robin Hood Costume

It is day 10 of my 30-day Robin Hood blog challenge, and today I will discuss my favourite costume.

Now, I was initially tempted to choose Guy of Gisborne’s leather ensemble, as it is very striking. However, upon further mulling, it got relegated to a mere mention in favour of… Allan A Dale’s all-black outfit in series 2, as Sir Guy’s ‘man’.

To be fair, the majority of this blog challenge could very well consist mainly of Allan A Dale because, well, look at him. He is sarcastic, funny, loyal (come on – he is, ultimately! He just got stuck!), and he has a very nice face. His character developed excellent throughout the first two series, and who didn’t melt a little when he cried after his brother’s execution? (Series 1, episode 7 – Brothers in Arms).

Okay, so he was naughty mid-series 2 – but he got to wear his sexy, all black outfit and swank around the castle, being adorable. Plus, he eventually came through for the gang and defied Guy and the Sheriff to rescue them.

There is nothing I like more than a cheeky bad boy with a sense of humour, a devastating smile and beautiful eyes, and Allan covers all of those bases. The costume he wore as Guy’s man (hehe) is definitely my favourite.

Poetry Corner


Her heart was vibrant
and all-encompassing,
yet at times
and all she needed
was someone to
tell her it was okay,
and allow her to
bloom in all
the right ways;
but yours was
a cowardly heart,
hiding in the shadows,
flying beneath the radar,
filled with wretched
doubt and fear,
and you always knew
that she
burned too brightly
for you,
but you tried to
extinguish her



Blog Challenge Day 9: Favourite Robin Hood Outlaw

It is day 9 of my 30-day blog challenge, and the turn of my favourite outlaw.

I have already spoken of my love for Much. He is such an amazing character; so sweet and caring and courageous. Plus, he is also hilarious. I love his indignant comments and the way he is so quick to react to injustice. I love the way he is Robin’s biggest advocate, but is also brutally honest with him when needed. And I love the fact that, despite often acting like the buffoon, he is the first to draw his sword and wade into a fight when needed.

But, most of all, it is his humour. His scenes and quirky comments are some of the best, right from episode one, especially when, after watching villager Jeffrey’s disappearing egg trick, he mutters, “that man is a show-off. If there are no eggs left, I’m going after him.”

He is such an integral part of the gang, and the outlaws would not be the same without him, even as they often tell him to “shut up, Much!” He is often prickly, extremely sensitive, and partial to a rant, yet his bravery always shines through, and he is never far away when Robin needs him.

I don’t think the show would have been the same without him, and he blows other incarnations of Much out of the water. So, Much is by far my favourite outlaw.

Book Review: The Return by Rachel Harrison

Elise, Mae, Molly, and Julie are close friends, until the day Julie goes missing while hiking in Acadia National Park. Two years down the line, Elise is the only one still clinging onto hope, and her prayers are answered when Julie mysteriously reappears. However, she has no recollection of the past two years.

Keen to reconnect, the group of friends arrange a week away at a luxury hotel, but it is clear upon arrival that something has changed. Julie is different. At first, they are small dissimilarities, but, as the week progresses, it becomes glaringly obvious that the group of friends will never be the same again..

As soon as they reach the hotel, things take a menacing turn. From creepy rooms and ghostly cold spots, to extremely odd dreams and disappearing staff members, it is obvious that something is not right with Julie. The clues are evident throughout, but her friends try to ignore them and pretend everything is okay. The slow burn of menace builds up to a chaotic ending, and Julie’s true identity is finally revealed.

I bought this when I saw it advertised on Facebook. I do love a 99p Kindle book. However, upon reading some of the less than favourable reviews on Goodreads, my first impression was a little tainted. I found it slow to begin with, but it definitely improved.

I gave this 4 stars on Goodreads. I really liked it!

Poetry Corner


She is an ocean
of unfathomable depths
so do not draw near
if you aren’t
prepared to
dive deep
for she isn’t a fan
of shallow living
and you will never see
the true light
within her if you
only wade;
immerse yourself
in her waters,
often still,
at times,
and wild,
but also soothing,
and welcoming,
encompassing and
filled with beauty;
if you cannot

